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Our Careers Lead is Sophie Thurston, you can contact her at for any employer engagement queries.
For any School Engagement requests, please contact
Alternatively, you can UTCW directly on 01925 737067.

At UTC Warrington, careers, employability skills and destinations are at the centre of everything that we do and is reflected in our core values. We are committed, alongside our industry partners, to provide a unique and exciting curriculum that is supported by industry professionals and leading STEM organisations. 

Ensuring that our students are employable and career-ready are the fundamentals of UTC Warrington’s success in ensuring access to apprenticeships is higher than the national average and the quality of STEM destinations is high. The UTC places huge importance on Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) for all students during their time at the college. This means that our students leave us and go in to employment, education or further training with knowledge, experience and focus – especially within the engineering and technology industries.

The need for good careers guidance for our students has never been so important. We are living in an ever-changing world, where advances in technology will continue to change the future jobs market, and also the skills that our young people need. Our positive sustained destinations along with the vocational nature of our curriculum and expertise of our teaching staff, is underpinned by our excellent careers programme.

If you have completed your studies in either Year 10 or Year 13 and would like further careers support, you can find information and guidance on the Warrington LIFE website here.

Our Approach & Vision

Our vision is to create a learning environment where young people can develop the professional skills, competencies and behaviours that will serve them throughout their working life. Our intentions are focused on the sole purpose of shaping our students to be work ready.

The UTC Warrington Promise summarises our commitment to our students. Working together with our university sponsor, Manchester Metropolitan University, and regional and local employers, we intend to support our students progress through organising opportunities that will expose them to contextualised learning experiences and the industry workplace.

Alongside our careers education, information, advice and guidance; our industry focused STEM curriculum means students are more apt to modern engineering challenges, more intellectually curious and, most importantly, more likely to demonstrate the skill set required to impress top national engineering and cyber employers, as well as leading universities.

As an business-led college, we pride ourselves in shaping our students to become the next industry leaders through offering a rich science and engineering curriculum and exposure to the local work force. To enable them to reach their fullest potential, we understand that each pupil should have access to good quality information about future study options and the labour market opportunities.

You can read more about our employability programme and how our links with employers and universities translate to activities and experiences for our students. Please click here to download the charter.

What happens in college?

The operational delivery of the UTCW careers and employability programme is underpinned by through the eight pillars of the Gatsby Benchmarks:

  1. A Stable Careers Programme
  2. Learning from Career & Labour Market Information          
  3. Addressing the Needs of Each Pupil 
  4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers       
  5. Encounters with Employers & Employees   
  6. Experiences of Workplaces   
  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education       
  8. Personal Guidance 

Infusing employability skills into our curriculum, our vision is to develop an employability culture throughout the college. Embedding a strong careers guidance strategy that
offers excellent opportunities for developing the knowledge and skills that employers need, we will be encouraging all our staff to support the career development of young people and become Employability Champions. Employability Champions will be nominated from each department to meet and discuss how employability skills can be permeated into our curriculum.

To support this – regular visits from industry professionals and training providers alongside hands on projects, visits, trips and work experience help to strengthen and contextualise this learning.

View our calendar of CEAIG activity in our Provider access policy update

Apprenticeship Careers

Find out more about non-university opportunities

University Routes

Find out more about Higher Education opportunities