First impressions count. We want all UTC Warrington students to have a competitive edge and demonstrate professional standards. Our students will regularly work alongside university and employer partners; we want them to look professional and integrate seamlessly.
UTC Warrington Key Stage 4 Dress Code
Years 10 and 11
High standards and a positive work ethic are central to a successful future. Our dress code creates a sense of belonging to our UTC community and sets the tone for all our work. It is based on the staff dress codes of our Employer Partners.
All UTC students:
- are role models for the high aspirations we have for all and have a responsibility to model appropriate dress and appearance;
- are representatives of UTC Warrington and our University and Employer Sponsors. Their dress and appearance must, therefore, project a positive and professional image at all times. Our dress code takes into account the broad range of activities that key stage 4 students engage in during the working day.
The following attire is acceptable:
- UTC Lanyard and ID badge (mandatory)
- UTC Polo shirt white or blue (mandatory)
- UTC Softshell Jacket or UTC Hoodie (mandatory)
- Navy or black unbranded trousers (mandatory)
Unbranded opaque black leggings
- Low heeled, plain black shoes or plain black trainers*. These must not be sports style trainers and must be completely black (mandatory)
Optional items:
- The appropriate protective clothing and footwear must be worn in workshops and science labs.
Items that are not permitted:
- Outdoor coats must not be worn in the building (lockers are provided). Coats will be confiscated if worn around the building.
- Sportswear of any kind including tracksuit, jogging bottoms and walking trousers
- Shorts
- Flip Flops/Sandals
General Principles:
- Clothing must be professional or smart-casual attire
- Clothing should be clean and in a good state of repair
- Unless otherwise stipulated for health and safety reasons (e.g. in workshops), jewellery may be worn, including a single nose stud. Other facial piercings should be removed (retainers are permitted)
- Nail varnish and acrylic nails are allowed, but nails must be kept to a reasonable length for health and safety reasons.
Mandatory items of clothing may be purchased from:
A UTC lanyard and ID badge will be issued on enrolment free of charge. Replacement lanyards (£2.50) and ID badges (£2.00) are chargeable.
A bursary is available to support qualifying students with any of the items required. Please email Mrs Lindsey Devine Office Manager for further details (
Sanctions for non-compliance with the Uniform Policy:
The DfE Guidance states that ‘Teachers can discipline students for breaching the school’s rules on appearance or uniform. This should be carried out in accordance with the school’s published behaviour policy.’
Exemptions as part of the UTC Warrington’s commitment to inclusion, students may be exempt from certain aspects of the school uniform policy due to their religion or culture. Requests should be made in writing to the Head of College. All requests will be considered on an individual basis.
* An example of a plain back trainer